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Changes to rents 2024/25

Each year, the Bield Board considers various factors to decide on rents, including draft budgets and costs, affordability and tenants' views.  This is never an easy task, but we aim to keep things affordable for you whilst covering the cost of looking after your homes and maintaining the services you require. 

This year, we asked for your thoughts and received 341 responses, which were shared with the Board. Thank you to everyone who got in touch to share their views.  All tenants will now have received a letter informing them of the new charges that will apply from 1st April 2024.

New rent charge from 1st April 2024

The Board took all factors into account, and decided we needed to increase rents by 6.7% from 1st April 2024.  Changes will also apply to the following service charges:

Local staff costs: + 8%

This covers the cost of on-site staff at developments and will increase by 8%.

Domestic energy charge (where applicable): -30%

If your rent includes heating and hot water, the charge for this will reduce by 30%.

Communal energy charge (where applicable): 0%

There will be no increase for this charge.

Meals Service (where applicable): 6.7% for contracted and 10% for ad hoc

For those contracted to our meals service, there is a 6.7% increase.  For those who arrange meals on an ad hoc basis, the charge will increase by 10%.


If you get Housing Benefit or Universal Credit, please remember to:

  • Tell your local authority about changes to your rent and service charges.
  • Inform the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) about changes in your housing costs for Universal Credit.


If you’re not receiving Housing Benefit or the housing cost element of Universal Credit, it is a good idea to check if you are eligible.  If you’re struggling to pay your rent or make ends meet, our staff can help connect you with local welfare advice agencies.  Our Income Advice Officers can also help with benefit health checks.  Get in touch at: 

If you require advice or support with energy bills, please contact Changeworks.  Bield tenants can access their online advice library at or you can call them on 0800 870 8800 Monday to Friday, 9.00am to 5.00pm.