Aids and Adaptations

As you get older, your medical and mobility needs may change.

Everyday tasks such as moving around your home, going up and down stairs or getting in and out of the bath can be made easier with special equipment or adaptations to your home; helping you to maintain or increase your independence.

You can apply to have an adaptation fitted in your home at no extra cost to you.  Every year, Local Authorities allocate funding to us to fit adaptations.  

Major adaptations such as fitting an automatic door opener or installing a wet floor shower are carried out in priority order as funds become available.  Each applicant will be given a priority rating based on need as assessed by an Occupational Therapist or GP (not by Bield).  Where there are identical assessments and priority ratings, the earliest application on the waiting list will be carried out first.

We also carry out a selection of minor adaptation works for tenants, without needing a referral from an Occupational Therapist.  Minor works include the installation of Falls Detectors, Wander Alarms, Deaf Aid Vibrating Pillows/Strobe Lights, Grabrails, Door Thresholds and Lever Taps.  These minor adaptation works are funded by Bield and we aim to complete these within one month.  You can apply for minor adaptations works using the form below.

Please ask your Local Manager or Area Manager for further information about special equipment or adaptations which can be made to your home to help make daily activities more manageable.  They will be able to provide contact information for you to request an Occupational Therapist assessment. 

For more information about adaptations or to make a request, please contact us by calling 0141 270 7262 or emailing:

Minor Adaptation Works - Tenant Self Referral Form