Find a Home - Contact Us Development Name ( required )First Name ( required )Second Name ( required )Email ( required )Telephone Address Postcode Are you a Bield Tenant, or someone enquiring on behalf of a Bield Tenant ( required )Yes No Please enter below How can we help? What is the nature of your enquiry? ( required )Send an application form: We prefer applications via Homes for You ( as it is more efficient but we can send you a paper copy. I have a question: Please enter below If you have a question about any of our developments we would be happy to respond. Please let us know how we can help and what development(s) are of interest? How would you like us to respond to your enquiry? ( required )Email Telephone Either Please enter below How did you hear about Bield ( required )Word of Mouth: A friend, family or contact You live in the local community: You live close to a Bield local development Poster or Information Leaflets: You saw a poster or read a leaflet Online: You were searching online for housing Home for You: You were signposted by the website 'Home for You' HSCP Staff: Social Work or Health staff or another government services signposted you to Bield Other Please enter below